Standard Protocol for Urine Collection and Storage
(Applicable for the analysis of soluble urine proteins;
not for exosome analysis)

Normal Urine (Adults)
    Practical Recommendation
1 Timing Collect mid-stream of random-catch urine or the 2nd morning urine
2 Preservatives No need if urine is kept at RT and frozen within 4 hours but add NaN2 to 10 mM (or Boric acid to 0.2 M) if frozen more than 4 hours after collection
3 Proteinase inhibitors No need for normal urine (Further evaluations will be done for proteinuric urine)
4 Pretreatment & Storage Centrifuge at 1000g for 10 min to remove cells and debris, and store aliquots of 10 (or 50 or 1.5) ml at -20 or -80°C
5 Freezing & Thawing Avoid as much as possible and thaw in 37°C water bath
1 The 2nd morniing urine and collection in sterile urine cup are preferable.
2 Keeping at 4°C is preferable but not essential.
3 Protease inhibitors may be necessary for proteinuric urine samples, but not for normal urine samples unless exosome analysis is planned.
4 Centrifugation is desirable to minimize proteins releasing from insoluble contents (cells and casts).
5 Adjustment of urine pH to 8.0 with 1 M Tris buffer (pH 8.0) may help solubilization of aggregates after thawing. Times of freezing and thawing need to be recorded. Samples with identical freeze-thaw history should be used for comparison proteomics
Minimum infomation of samples General
  1. Sample number
  2. Storage temparature (-20 or -80C)
  3. Institution
  4. Date-time of collection
  5. Hours until freezing
  6. Volume and number of aliquots
  1. Anonymized case name or number
  2. Clinical diagnosis or helthy
  3. Age
  4. Gender
  5. Height
  6. Weight
Laboratory data
  1. Urinary protein amount
  2. Urine creatinine
  3. Hematuria
  4. Serum creatinine
  5. Serum protein or albumin
  6. (Urine pH)
  7. (Serum cholesterol)